My workspace, compact and simple, actually it's the only space left without shoe making equipment or kids toys..
I sand blasted and painted prior to the strip down, all holes sealed first. This is a good way to ensure grit isn't present after the rebuild as the break down comes after the fact. Most would strip right back and paint individual components but for this bike no such luxury.. Yet.
Semi-stripped for a good inspection. Everything looks good at this point so no point splitting the crank, that always comes with a risk of breaking a discontinued part. Top end work is all this thing needs.
Wiseco piston, the last time it will see natural ambient light.
Fresh rebore, I can and did spend hours staring at these parts in awe, such a good vintage for sturdy die hard engineering.
Freshend valve seats, clean and ready to be reassembled with new cam chain. Infact the only sign of wear in this engine was the cam chain and this is de to the fact that this engine uses a manually adjustable cam tensioner.
The previous owner didn't know this and was probably why they thought the engine was ruined. It sounded like a game of metallic ping pong.
The moment of finish, complete with re-wired magnito electrical cabling and pickup coil wires. Satisfying time well spent.